Mental Health Difficulties

Hey everyone,

I spoke in a previous post about getting as much knowledge as posssible because that will allow you to become great at anything and everything that you do, but that also applies to being good with people. I suffer greatly from mental illness (bipolar disorder) and there are times that my life crumbles right before my eyes, So what do I do when I feel symptoms coming on? I let life crumble before my eyes just as it wants to.

I found that during my time being faithful, that I have very little control over many circumstances, except how I feel towards them. I have control over most things that I feel, but I have no control over the events that happen. This is extremely important to know because it simplifies life and gets rid of unecessary anxiety. Now that I’m on this topic of not being in control of events, I was suddenly stricken with extreme depression and sucidial thoughts (to the point that I couldn’t move from my bed for many hours), but instead of fighting it and supressing it, I let it have it’s time to shine for those hours. You might ask why I do that? I do that for two reasons: The first is because this illness is part of me and the best way for me to deal with my emotions is to let them have their say before I do anything and the other reason is because it shortens the time of suffering. If I supress the feelings, it can go on for weeks, but when I let it go on at maximum strength for a few hours it doesnt come back to me for many weeks. During those weeks, there is not a single hint of suffering, but joy and happiness.

The point of all this is we need to find our own version of therapy, but also for those who are more blessed in life, it’s your duty to support those who are undergoing difficulties in the way THEY need it and not the way YOU think they need it. Sometimes, we don’t want a therapist or a psychiatrist or more meds, we just want some human contact and someone who cares about us for our sake. Sometimes we don’t want to nurture, but to be nurtured. Think about these things when you deal with just about anyone so it removes judging them and love as the Lord love us.

Have a wonderful day!

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